Gothenburg - 19th June 2013
On 19th June 2013, representatives from all the STEP UP partners met in Gothenburg. The workshop is one of four to occur in the project and the aim was to generate and test innovative solutions and to also involve the Learning Network of Cities in order to promote best practices and disseminate knowledge.

This workshop centred on Work Package 3 - D3.1 ’Inventory of best practice energy projects using the integrated approach’ and D3.2 ’Promotion of ten existing lighthouse projects and their elements for success’. The early outputs from these deliverables were grouped around the themes of retrofitting, urban environment and attractiveness, mobility, and urban energy supply, and formed the basis of the workshop. The day contained twelve interactive presentations on existing lighthouse projects in the partner cities, and also key note speeches from experts on sustainable investments and sustainability in cities.
The workshop was attended by representatives from Gothenburg, Glasgow, Ghent, Riga and companion cities from the Gothenburg network. It gathered researchers and experts from the STEP UP project, as well as politicians, and people from the private and public sectors.
Presentations from the workshop in Gothenburg are available for download below and are organised by theme.
Energy Services for Municipalities - Christiaan Claeys - Eandis
In Flanders, local authorities work with local grid operators for natural gas and electricity infrastructure on their territories. EANDIS regroups 7 of such local grid operators and covers more than 230 municipalities. EANDIS set up a programme on energy services for local governments and assists them in their 20-20-20 challenge for public buildings and lighting infrastructure.
Energy Services for Municipalities - Ghent
Retrofitting - Indra van Sande & Valérie De Prycker from City of Ghent
Ledeberg Alive! Is an integrated urban renewal project in one of the most deprived neighbourhoods of Ghent dedicated at improving quality of life in many respects and incorporating a multitude of stakeholder organizations. As for many Belgian cities the neighbourhood is typically composed of single family terraced houses and required a tailored approach for retrofitting.
Retrofitting - Ghent
Urban Environment and Attractiveness
Light plan - Ghent - Indra van Sande & Valérie De Prycker - City of Ghent
The old historic center of the city of Ghent deserves its spotlight in the evening and by night. The City Light Plans marry aesthetics and the creation of a pleasant and safe atmosphere of the city with the environmental objectives of reducing light pollution and energy consumption. Only an integrated approach involving the many stakeholders in this domain resulted in the realization of the multiple objectives.
Light Plan - Ghent
Hamnhuset & Kvillebäcken – Gothenburg - Staffan Bolminger
Hamnhuset and Kvillebäcken are two neighbourhoods in the city of Gothenburg. Alvstranden, the urban development company of Gothenburg is redeveloping these areas. Dwellings are being built according to energy standards which go far beyond European and Swedish standards.
Hamnhuset and Kvillebäcken - Gothenburg
Commonwealth Games Athletes Village – Glasgow - Karina Mirza
In 2014 Glasgow will be home to the Commonwealth Games. This provides the city with a huge opportunity to redevelop 33 hectares of brownfield area with an integrated approach into a state-of-the –art low carbon neighbourhood.
Commonwealth Games Athletes Village – Glasgow
Car free center – Ghent - Indra van Sande & Valérie De Prycker from City of Ghent
How Ghent’s car free city centre changed the whole perception of the city. Ghent has a 36 hectares car free city centre since 1996. The initiative was taken to cope with a multitude of problems, but the way it has been handled did not only resolve these problems but created a multitude of new opportunities.
Car free center - Ghent
Congestion charge & “New travel habits�� – Gothenburg - Eva Eriksson from the Gothenburg Traffic Office
The Gothenburg Traffic Office has a special approach to sustainable transport: ‘streetsmart’. Or how the transport service promotes the modal shift in Gothenburg.
Congestion charge & “New travel habits” – Gothenburg
Climate smart city distribution – Microterminalen Lindholmen – Gothenburg - Erica Bengtsson, Älvstranden
The micro terminal on the Lindholmen Campus provides a solution to many problems. By providing a transport service of both in-going (mail and packages) and out-going (mail and waste) deliveries it combines smart solutions for traffic reduction, recycling, energy and much more.
Microterminalen Lindholmen - Gothenburg
TSB Future Cities Demonstrator – Glasgow - Gavin Slater
The Future Cities Demonstrator is an ambitious programme aimed at using technology & data to make Glasgow a smarter, safer and more sustainable city. Public, private and academic sectors will combine expertise and uses cutting-edge technology to enhance day-to-day life in the city. It integrates issues such as public safety, transport, health, technology and sustainable energy.
TSB Future Cities Demonstrator – Glasgow
Urban Energy Supply
Improvement of energy management in residential buildings – Riga - Juris Golunovs
Riga has a District Heating system in place since 1960 providing heat to more than 8.000 building heat substations. The introduction of wireless remote heat meter reading in 2012 improved the performance of the whole system making it smarter.
Improvement of energy management in residential buildings – Riga
Management of consumption of energy in public buildings – Riga - Juris Golunovs
The introduction of ICT technologies in the energy management system of public buildings in Riga achieves energy efficiency through changes in building user behavior, energy data collection, analysis and optimal setting of consumption patterns. The first results are very promising.
Management of consumption of energy in public buildings – Riga
District heating – Gothenburg - Göteborg Energi
Gothenburg has a district heating grid of over 1.000 km. Since its introduction in the ‘70s the system has largely contributed to a better environment in Gothenburg and its surrounding area. Even with low electricity prices and increasing energy efficiency in buildings Gothenburg’s district heating system has a future.
District heating – Gothenburg - Göteborg Energi