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District Heating




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STEP UP Final Newsletter

Our final STEP UP Newsletter has just gone out to our subscribers.  The newsletter has information updating you on each city's progress, SEAP and recent events and achievements. Click here to view our newsletter.

Celsius Smart Cities Workshop- 16th September 2015

This interactive workshop will bring together excellence from several advanced European Smart Cities projects that will put forward their expertise and their project results on integrated planning, energy efficiency and district energy solutions, among others.

MSc Global Sustainable Cities Brochure

The Institute for Future Cities (IFC) has published a new brochure for the MSc Global Sustainable Cities.

District heating systems can offer cities multiple benefits, helping to address economic, social and environmental objectives by providing more efficient heating systems, reducing carbon emissions, and tackling fuel poverty.

Within the STEP UP cities, both Riga and Gothenburg have particularly extensive and well-established district heating (DH) systems, with Riga’s DH system supplying heat to over 8,000 building heat substations and Gothenburg’s DH grid reaching over 1,000km. These DH systems make a substantial contribution towards achieving sustainability goals in practice. To read more about district heating in these cities, follow the links below:

Improvement of Energy Management in Residential Buildings - Riga

District Heating – Göteborg Energi, Gothenburg





 Ghent has also delivered a training workshop for its Flemish Learning Network on the topic of district heating. The workshop incorporated case studies from various cities and covered a range of different aspects of district heating in cities including market models for district heating, sharing Eandis’ expertise in DH in Flanders, feasibility study examples from Ostend and introducing DH as an example of strategic energy policy in Antwerp. To find out more and access presentations from the day, follow the link below:

 District Heating and Technological Lock-Ins in Urban Development Workshop – VITO, Ghent

For other cities such as Glasgow, establishing an ESCo and district heating schemes are key actions within the city’s enhanced SEAP, the Energy and Carbon Masterplan, which is now being implemented within the city. These actions will play a significant role in assisting the Council to tackle fuel poverty, a key priority for the city. Due to high interest from the Scottish learning network, the Glasgow STEP UP team have held a training webinar on district heating in Scotland, bring in expert speakers from Denmark and Scottish Government to promote knowledge exchange between Scottish cities. To find out more, follow the links below:

District Heating in Scotland Webinar

Glasgow has also produced an information leaflet about District Heating in Glasgow to explain briefly how it works and draw on examples within the city.  This leaflet forms part of the dissemination of Glasgow’s innovative projects but will also be used to provide information across the Council, stakeholders, partners and citizens in the city.  District Heating in Glasgow helps to fulfil key objectives in Glasgow’s Enhanced SEAP, by providing affordable warmth for citizens and thereby helping to reduce fuel poverty in the city.  It helps towards the 30% reduction in carbon emissions Glasgow has set out and can create more security of supply for Glasgow.

The leaflet draws on examples in Glasgow; but it also has information about how District Heating works and its benefits as a low carbon source of heat and power, and could be used as a tool for any city or organisation looking to learn more about District Heating.  To learn more about District Heating and examples in Glasgow, click here to see the leaflet and learn more.


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