Glasgow - Learning Network
Glasgow is working in partnership with the Scottish Cities Alliance (SCA), representing the seven cities in Scotland. Glasgow's Learning Network comprises the other six SCA cities Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Inverness, Perth and Stirling.
The Glasgow STEP UP team has conducted interviews with its Learning Network cities to establish the current state of energy planning, and in summer 2014, three of the Scottish Cities (Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Inverness) became Companion Cities to the project.
Additionally, the City of Nuremberg (Germany) is a Companion City to Glasgow, sharing its experiences of sustainable city planning.

Glasgow's Companion Cities

Aberdeen City is a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors and is currently developing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) with coaching on key areas of interest provided by the Glasgow STEP UP team such as stakeholder analysis and engagement planning, and mapping energy flows within the city. The SEAP will sit under the city’s Strategic Infrastructure Plan, a long-term plan to shape the city into a prosperous and sustainable city to live, visit and do business.
Aberdeen is also collaborating with neighbouring local authorities - Aberdeenshire Council, Moray Council, Angus Council and the Cairngorms National Park Authority - to develop a SEAP for the wider North East Scotland area.

During 2014, the City of Edinburgh has developed its Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for submission to the Covenant of Mayors, with support from the STEP UP programme. With political approval gained in February 2015, the SEAP will help the city to achieve the Sustainable Edinburgh 2020 vision of a low carbon, resource efficient city with a resilient local economy. The SEAP has five proposed programmes, tackling energy efficiency, district heating, renewables energy, resource efficiency and sustainable transport and implementing the actions identified in the SEAP will be realised with the support of a number of partners in the city.
The Glasgow STEP UP team held coaching workshops with City of Edinburgh Council to assist in the development of the SEAP, sharing experience and tools from the STEP UP project.
Inverness and the Highlands

Highland Council is the largest Local Authority in the UK. The Council is committed to working hard to provide support for its varied and vibrant communities, has a strong environmental focus, is committed to Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration, and will work with everyone to achieve a Carbon CLEVER Highlands by 2025.
Inverness is the region’s main city and administrative centre. The Highland Council is currently looking to become a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors and develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for the Highlands. The development of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) will provide a framework to help deliver the ambitious goals of the Carbon CLEVER initiative, and the Glasgow STEP UP team is providing coaching to Highland Council to help achieve this goal.
Carbon CLEVER sets out an ambitious vision for shaping future development across the Highlands, and aims to achieve a carbon neutral Inverness in a low carbon Highlands by 2025. Carbon CLEVER is a Highland Council led initiative, working in conjunction with local communities, businesses and other public and third sector organisations. It is designed to coordinate and accelerate activities happening across the Highlands, to build economic and social benefits in addition to achieving carbon reduction targets. The initiative was launched in November 2013, and has cross-party support from councillors, as well as a financial commitment from the Council’s capital programme.
Carbon CLEVER has recently launched an electric bike hire scheme in Inverness, in conjunction with industry and third sector partners, to promote active travel across the city as way to reduce the number of car journeys undertaken. Carbon CLEVER is also establishing a Community Grant Fund, which be formally launched in November, to provide funding to local communities who wish to develop projects that help achieve the goals of Carbon CLEVER.
Nuremberg (Germany)

Glasgow is twinned with the historic German city of Nuremburg, with an ongoing relationship of active cultural exchange across a range of projects and events. The city is currently developing an enhanced Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), having submitted its original SEAP to the Covenant of Mayors in 2007. The enhanced SEAP will integrate with Nuremberg’s long-term vision, which is captured in its Climate Protection Plan 2050.
Glasgow and Nuremburg are working together to share knowledge and expertise on smart city and energy planning, stakeholder management, integrated planning and transport.
Find Out More
To read more about Glasgow's STEP UP learning network a presentation proving an overview of projects and coaching strategies in these cities is available to download in the link below.
Glasgow - Learning Network presentation - Ghent Workshop November 2013 - Click to download
(Presentation - November 2013)