Stratego – Enhanced Heating and Cooling Plans |
The purpose of the EU-funded project “Multi level actions for enhanced Heating and Cooling plans – STRATEGO” is to provide tangible support in developing National Heating and Cooling Plans (NHCPs), assist local authorities in evaluating their Heating and Cooling potential, find their priority area for intervention, and identify concrete projects that should be implemented. To achieve this, the consortium will use the results of the studies Heat Roadmap Europe under which an assessment of the European potential for efficiency in heating and cooling has been carried out together with the mapping of thermal resources and demands. At the EU level, the project will fine tune the results of the Heat Roadmap studies so that they can also facilitate the development of national heating and cooling plans. For this purpose a thermal atlas of the EU28 including demand and supply sources for heating and cooling will be produced. |
EU Covenant of Mayors |
The Covenant of Mayors is the mainstream European movement involving local and regional authorities, voluntarily committing to increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on their territories. By their committment, signatories aim to meet and exceed the European Union 20% CO2 reduction objective by 2020. |
Smart Cities and Communities |
The Smart Cities and Communities stakeholder platform provides an opportunity for city representatives to create an active profile for their city. |
Smart Cities The Smart Cities project aims to create an innovation network between governments and academic partners to drive ecellence in development and take up of e-services. |
Eurocities is a network of major European cities that offers members a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas. Workgin with the EU Commission, Parliament and Committee of Reggions to ensure its core priority themes of Climate, Inclusion and Recovery are incorporated into the wider policy agenda.
OFGEM's primary role is to protect energy consumers in the UK by ensuring security of energy supply, promotion of value for money and protecting consumers from the effects of monopoly and oligopoly. It is independent of government but endeavours to work alongside national government and the energy industry to best serve the interests of energy consumers.
Energy Cities is the European Association of local authorities in energy transition.
The North Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 works with cutting edge policy areas in regional development through transnational projects. A principal aim of the Programme is to expand the scope of territorial cooperation and focus on high quality projects in innovation, the environment, accessibility, and sustainable and competitive communities.
The 2007-2013 Programme connects regions from seven countries around the North Sea, incorporating policy level planning and the long lasting and tangible effects of projects. These are the foundations of the future transnational projects, which will create added value to partner regions and beyond.
Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE)
Launched by the European Commission in 2003, IEE offers assistance to organisations looking to improve energy sustainability.
Heat Network Partnership for Scotland
The Heat Network Partnership brings together the Scottish Government agencies that provide financial and technical support and guidance to businesses, the public sector, communities and households, working wide a wider partnership of key stakeholders to deliver a step change in the scale of heat networks in Scotland. The Heat Network Partnership will co-ordinate support for district heating, best practice, guidance and knowledge-sharing to accelerate the uptake of disctrict heating in Scotland.
A collaboration of Scotland's seven cities and the Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) that aims to stimulate economic activity and create jobs and investment.
Scotland's leading economic development organisation.Seeks to influence government and stakeholders to stimulate sustainable economic development in Scotland.
Adaption Scotland provides advice and support to help ensure that Scotland is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts fo climate change.
Related to IEE, Sustainable urban Mobility Plans aim to create a more sustainable transport environment, building on existing planning activities.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives -ICLEI.
ICLEI Europe - Local Governments for Sustainability
ICLEI is the only network of sustainable cities operating worldwide. The organisation facilitates local government input to United Nations (UN), processes such as the UN Framework Conventions on Climate Change, and Biodiversity. In partnership with the UN and other organisations, as well as national governments, ICLEI puts in the groundwork for more ambitious and more responsible international commitments - and seeks global recognition and support for local action.
Carbon Trust The Carbon Trust is a world-leading organisation helping businesses, governments and the public sector to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy through carbon reduction, energy-saving strategies and commercialising low carbon technologies.