ACE Answers to the Carbon Economy
The ACE project seeks to find practical and economic solutions at three levels – Individual Businesses – Business to Business (B2B) relationships, and Business Parks (BP). This involves new technical solutions, and the ACE partners recognise the equal importance of the legal, financial, and operational frameworks, and even the "culture" of business relationships.
Carbon Trust
The Carbon Trust is a world-leading organisation helping businesses, governments and the public sector to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy through carbon reduction, energy-saving strategies and commercialising low carbon technologies.
Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy
The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) brings together some of the world's leading researchers on climate change economics and policy, from many different disciplines.
Adaption Scotland provides advice and support to help ensure that Scotland is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts fo climate change.
The Environment Agency is a UK government public body that aims to protect the environment and promote sustainable development and help central government deliver its environmental priorities.
Ghent's Climate Alliance agency.