Gothenburg - Learning Network
Gothenburg has engaged with four other cities and also the Goteburg Regions Association of Local Authorites (GR). The GR is a cooperative organisation association uniting thirteen western Swedish municipalities. The thirteen member municipalities are Ale, Alingsås, Göteborg, Härryda, Kungsbacka, Kungälv, Lerum, Lilla Edet, Mölndal, Partille, Stenungsund, Tjörn, and Öckerö.

Think tank workshop - Borås at GothenburgGothenburg's other four companion cities are:
Aarhus (Denmark)
Bergen (Norway)
To read more about Gothenburg's STEP UP learning network a presentation proving an overview of projects and coaching strategies in these cities is available to download in the link below.
Gothenburg - Learning Network - (Ghent Workshop November 2013) - Click here to download
(Presentation - November 2013)
Gothenburg Champion Cities met in June 2014 and discussed their respective climate and energy plans. Please follow this link for further information