Sustainable Urban Districts - Hamnuset to Kvillebäcken
The overall aim of the development of Kvillebäcken is to set a new model for sustainable city planning and building in Sweden and beyond. The development of Kvillebäcken is a learning process on how to develop a new city district on the basis of social, economic and ecological values.
The main objectives are to:
• Create attractive and lively urban spaces;
• Link the area to existing districts and develop the island Hisingen as an expansive part of central Gothenburg;
• Build the area with common and rational waste management;
• Provide possibilities for stakeholders to influence the process;
• Create a signature that consists of quality of life, safety and diversity;
• Compile with the City´s new environmental standards for housing;
• Build Kvillebäcken for long term sustainability, economic and ecological benefits, based on a lifecycle approach; and
• Enhance possibilities for environmentally friendly mobility.
Kvillebäcken has also been used as an opportunity to expand the use of existing green technology and test and demonstrate new solutions, models and products. Six demonstration projects are included in the development of the Kvillebäcken area:
1. Waste to biogas
2. Cycle storage
3. Buildings as heat storage
4. Fast biogas-powered ferries for pedestrians and cyclists
5. Methane-diesel trucks
6. An innovation platform and dissemination activities

Key winning elements of the project:
Political leadership with a long term approach - project emerged from political decisions taken some time ago, in relation to the transformation of an old shipyard area in Gothenburg. Political will was necessary to transform the area.
Collaboration and dialogue with all stakeholders - Major stakeholders in the Kvillebäcken project include the City Planning Authority of Gothenburg, Älvstranden Utveckling AB that runs the project, other project partners (investors), other planning authorities within the city, green tech companies through the network Eco-Ex, the energy company Gothenburg Energy and Business Region Gothenburg are all involved.
Contribution to multiple policy objectives - a dominant political objective is the provision of housing in the central part of the city. The area is strategic for housing because it is close to the city centre and well provided with public transportation.
Business models to attract investment - The project has been modelled around a public-private partnership approach, funded by public and private property developers (building companies) and also by tenants and apartment buyers. For the six demonstration projects the project received 30% of the extra costs in funding from the national Delegation for Sustainable Cities.
To read a full report on Sustainable Urban Districts - Hamnuset to Kvillebäcken and why it is a good example of a Lighthouse initiative click here.
Image: Hamnhuset